Monday, June 23, 2008

Diskanlut strove for the Development of efforts

Kuta - In Order To maximise the utilisation of the cultivation of the fish, Directorate General Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan and fisheries with the motto 'Urge' (the Bersama Rakyat Movement) and the 'Snarl' (the Serentak Movement) proclaimed the development program of cultivation efforts of the supreme community.

Including being seaweed that will be allocated in the Balinese province.

So, one of the efforts that was carried out by striving for the loan of the strengthening of capital of efforts for pembudidaya seaweed went through PT. Permodalan Nasional Madami (PNM) that his channelling was carried out by the Bank of Pembangunan Bali (BPD) Bali.

For this of the Badung Regency received the allocation totalling 200 heads of households with the loan size per heads of households (Keapla Keluarga) Rp.

5,000,000.- with the flower 14 % per the year and in a period of for 36 months (3 years).

Was like this was said Section Head Perikanan and Marine Kabupaten Badung Putu Oka Swadiana, A.Pi., S.Sos.

"So on the whole, the loan" of the "strengthening" of "capital in 2006 for the seaweed farmer in the Badung Regency was of Rp 1 billion," said Oka Swadiana, in connection with that, his plan on March 13 2006 the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister will with Bank Indonesia Governor carry out the working visit to the Balinese Province in the surrender rank of the loan of the strengthening of capital from BPD Bali to the seaweed farmer in the Badung Regency totalling 200 heads of households and Karangasem totalling 500 of KK.

Pada on February 28 and on March 2 2006 the Perikanan Service and Marine Kabupaten Badung carried out the socialisation to their respective seaweed farmer in the Pecatu Village and Kutuh Kecamatan Kuta Selatan.

In the socialisation appearance was present Section Head Perikanan and Marine the Regency of BadungPutu Oka Swadiana togethered with the staff as well as the Head of the Branch of BPD Kuta Ms Suryaningsih as well as the staff.

In this opportunity of the socialisation opportunity of Suryaningsih delivered, because collectively the number of loans reached the Rp mulberry 1 billion.

Then in accordance with the technical provisions of current banking was needed by the existence of the additional guarantee for example to take the form of the certificate, the loan was imposed the administrative cost 1.5 percent.

The existence of this additional guarantee caused the objection of the farmers because they were not prepared to be wrong the member who had the certificate was used by the guarantee by many people.

Because seaweed harvest time around 45 days very much, was proposed so that the payment instalment in order to be able to be carried out 2 months very much.

Answered the farmer's question, Kadiskanlut Badung and the Head of BPD Cabang Kuta will follow up in Nota Pelayanan Pengembangan (UPP) and PT Kapal Api Group (Perusahan the Core), so as all the interests between several sides terakomodasi inside.

"For the stabilisation" of "this proclamation urged this, we will continue to hold the meeting and the co-ordination that were intensive with the side and the agency related" added Oka Swadiana.

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