Seaweed was it was known rich in essential nutrition, like the enzyme, the nucleic acid, the amino acid, the mineral, trace elements, and vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. the content of his nutrient that was high, seaweed could increase the work system hormonal, limfatik, but also nerves.
Moreover, seaweed could also increase the function of the defence of the body, improved the work system of the heart and the circulation of blood, as well as the digestion system.
Seaweed was known also as traditional medicine for the cough, asthma, bronkhitis, the TB, cacingan, had a stomach-ache, the fever, rheumatism, in fact was believed could increase the sexual power.
The content of his iodine was needed the body to prevent mumps.
In China, normal also seaweed was used for cancer medical treatment.
The height of the level of consumption of seaweed possibly was connected with the low level of the incident of breasts cancer to the woman in this country.
Possibly that was caused by the content of seaweed chlorophyll that was antikarsinogenik.
Moreover, because of the content of vitamin C and antioksidan him that could oppose the free radical, seaweed was useful to extend the age and prevent the occurrence of early ageing.
All rumut sea was rich in the content of fibre that could prevent large intestine cancer.
Fibre Could launch the digestion by forming the substance like gelatin in the small intestine and increasing the level of water in fases.
Consumption of fibre could help fat metabolism so as lowered the level of kolestrol blood and blood sugar.
Seaweed also helped medical treatment tukak the side, big enteritis, was difficult to defecate, and the disturbance of the other digestion.
Summarised from:www.
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