Friday, June 27, 2008

Seaweed was processed was Processed Food

The Marine department and fisheries,through Through the Directorate empowered the islands small held the training of the processing of seaweed to food and the drink of the whim. The activity that was held while two days were followed by your 30 delegations the fisherman the Wangi-wangi Kabupaten Wakatobi Subdistrict.

The processed food kind have material the foundation of dry seaweed that was taught to you this fisherman took the form of Dodol Rumput Laut, Selai Rumput Laut, Minuman of Seaweed and Manisan Rumput Laut.Iwan Setiawan, Kepala Sub Directorate The manager the Pulau Ecosystem of the Small Island, Departemen of sea and RI fisheries said this training was part of the empowerment program of economics of the coastal community (PEMP) that more headed in the increase in your capacity the fisherman.

We tau that you the fisherman had the role that was big in arranging the family's economics, so as empowerment of the fisherman was not only given by us to his fisherman's fathers then.

Our hope with kemampauan carried out these local resources their economics could be helped he said. Not only that, this activity participants were also supplied management material keungan and the management of the market.

Harapanya skills that were received could be developed into the domestic industry (Home industry) that could satisfy the local requirement and it was not impossible if Menejemen the marketing him anxious managed well can be widened to the other the area

To give stimulan, so that participants in the training could immediately begin these efforts the organising side in this case the sea Department and RI fisheries divided participants in the training into three their respective groups was given equipment to manage seaweed.

I the feeling in Wakatobi this did not have the hindrance again if you perta wanted to begin these efforts, because the problem of their capitalisation could put forward the loan to the co-operative that managed the PEMP fund, Apalagi, said he if this co-operative could be asked berekrja same marketed prodak results of this seaweed whim.

If by means of like this then the PEMP program will go well because of one with lai him salaing supportive and needed, he said. In the meantime, Section Head Kelautan and fisheries (DKP) the Wakatobi Regency, Drs LD Hajifu MSi added in the future his side will develop this activity so as you the fisherman will in Wakatobi have skills mengelolah local resources available in Wakatobi. "If they already skilled did The processing this kind, was thought by me our fisherman still does not depend with the climate" of the not "better marketing Hajifu words."

In the place that was the same Masrani and Wa Ode Mari that also joined this activity admitted to being grateful with the existence of this training. His article seaweed that was managed by them during This already This already could be managed by them personally to processed food.

At least to komsumsi the household personally. We were happy because we could manage food that his material is no longer bought by us from the other person but is buried by us personally said Masrani.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Seaweed, the efforts Opportunity in Wakatobi.

Very fragrant, Kepres.who the idea seaweed that previously grew and developed wild diperairan shallow will bring the blessing for the coastal community.

Previously algae that liked this brine habitat, in no way gave the benefit to the community.

His kind that could not dikomsumsi directly made him just like that and grew wild with the other coral reef.

Currently the condition precisely Compared was inside out.

His article seaweed merukana brine plants that gave the big benefit for the community.

Beside time extension budidaya that was relatively short, and did not need the special treatment in cultivating him in recent times the selling price increasingly aimed the increase.

Seaweed or more was known with the term so that-so that could The harvest

in the age of the cultivation 3 months.

Increasingly rocketed him the selling price of this commodity because of the content of the substance that was owned by him well-off Gave many benefits for humankind.

Results of the whim of the grass product that has had the shape of flour or beautiful could be made use of for cosmetics, the medicine, food and the fresh drink.

The businessman Wakatobi that was interested berkecimpumg in the commercial field in this seaweed, Muhammad Agung when being interviewed by us said himself began to be interested turning capital in the field in seaweed of trade efforts when studying and observing this prospect of plants of sea water that increasingly aimed the increase.

"Several years ago this seaweed was only appreciated by Rp 3 thousand through to 4 thousand rupiah per kilogram him, together with the increase when the value sold this commodity increasingly menunjukan the increase until achieving the Rp price 10 thousand perkilogram him at this time," Great words.

Great admitted to beginning menekuni his efforts since the end of last 2007, each week he could send dry seaweed totalling 5 ton.

This seaweed was marketed directly in perusahanaan the processor of the seaweed powder in Surabaya East Java.

Seaweed that much he gathered from the Liya community that at this time already almost 80% from the total community menekuni this seaweed cultivation.

Great also said in menekuni this business, himself did not worry would the risk of the loss if from time to time the selling price of this commodity descended.

He was convinced the selling price of seaweed several years can in the future remain in fact increasingly will increase.

His article this commodity was komuditas the export that often was looked for by the company from overseas.

"For the moment we not menghawatirkan the fall" of the "selling price" of "this seaweed, because of this thing often was looked for and needed by the company, that was done by us at this time that is increasingly increased the quality" of "seaweed yamng was sent by us keperusahaan," he said.

In the meantime La Kari, Pembudidaya seaweed from the Liya Village said himself already almost a year menekuni this seaweed cultivation.

Previously he only the normal fisherman that his income only could meet kebutahan ate his family every day.

With menekuni these efforts currently he could eliminate his income and builds his house as well as capital of preparations for his children to experience education outside Wakatobi.

In very much the harvest, he mengang I could produce around one ton more dry seaweed, was ready sold.If was counted-counted in very much the harvest.

The HEALTH of breasts

The NEWS - - Guard and maintained the health of important breasts it was known for the woman so as breasts cancer might not become the frightening spectre.
Breasts cancer of one of the cancer kinds that often resulted in the death to the woman because that became responsibility of each woman realised all the matters around the health of breasts.
Along with several tips maintained the health of breasts by eating food that was exact as one of the methods of reducing the risk of the growth of this cancer:
Japanese seaweed was one of the countries with the level of the growth of low breasts cancer.
This was related the pattern ate that was used to consume seaweed.
Proven seaweed had the benefit for the health where according to the research of Harvard School of Public Health found the mouse that was given ate kelp (one seaweed kind) had breasts cancer was lower compared to the mouse that did not eat kelp.
Because of that tried consumption of seaweeds like kelp or nori or green algae like spirulina
Guard and maintained the health of important breasts it was known for the woman so as breasts cancer might not become the frightening spectre.
Breasts cancer of one of the cancer kinds that often resulted in the death to the woman because that became responsibility of each woman realised all the matters around the health of breasts.
Along with several tips maintained the health of breasts by eating food that was exact as one of the methods of reducing the risk of the growth of this cancer

The usefulness of seaweed

Beforehand has had been discussed about food yang sangat was useful to the health of the human body.
However, evidently still had again the food kind that often we ate or encountered but we did not know the function of this food for the health of our body.
One of the food that were good for the health were Seaweed.
However, Because the insignificance of research proof was linked with seaweed, most knowledge was about seaweed provided a basis for in observation and traditional, but several contained the level of medical treatment was proven.
Seaweed often contained iodine that was used in medical treatment as disinfektan, treated the goitre and cancer thyroid.
Was believed also could slow down the process of ageing, increased the growth of hair, reduced asthma and bronchitis.
Many maintenance products of skin also claimed that seaweed had the influence of medical treatment.

The Seaweed cultivation was Increasingly Promising

Labuha, WartaRencana Dinas Kelautan and fisheries (DKP) Halsel made this area the centre of the fisheries cultivation especially quite extraordinary seaweed, his article these efforts of the seaweed cultivation have really been and were carried out by the local community available in four villages in the area of Gane Barat, namely the Island of Resin, Gonone, Tawabi, as well as Kukupang.

Till now the available seaweed harvest in four villages for one year has reached 400 ton in 8 harvest times.

To that has been just dry usually was sold perkilo him Rp 5,500.- Whereas that still was raw was sold by Rp 2500 perkilo.

All this yield terdijual to Menado but was also that at once came bought in this location.

This was revealed Head of Sector Pengelolaan DKP Halsel Samsyudin Hamdan when being met by the News.

He said, in general the prospective seaweed that dibudidaya this was the quality grass kind that was known by the name of Euchm Seotoni.

This crop was really known in the world, but unfortunately had a basis the report on the yield uptil now to the service was assessed not all that because usually direct results in sold outside the area without giving the report to the side DKP. This was realised by him that they (DKP) did not yet place the official of the field in the area of this cultivation so as in a manner indirectly the matter was like this to not terkontrol.Meski also like that, continued Samsudin, at the beginning of April this year the DKP side will immediately place the official of the field in order to controls the development was there good the process of the cultivation through to the process of his harvest later.

During this 2008 the project of the seaweed cultivation will also be developed in three other subdistricts among them the Madopolo village (Obi), Posi-posi (Kayoa) as well as avoided Bacan Barat, so as with the increase in the place of this seaweed cultivation eventually was hoped Halsel will become one of the areas of the producer of seaweed in the North Moluccan Province as well as could compete with the other area in Indonesia (ris)

The utilisation of the seaweed product

The utilisation of Secara Umum Seaweed was:

1.Food and milk (Ice cream, yoghurt, waper cream, the milk chocolate, pudding instant)

2.The drink (the Soft Drink, juice, beer)

3. Bread

4. Peppermints

5.Fish meat in tin

6.Sauce, salad dressing, Soysauce

7.Diet food (Jelly, the hour, syrup, the pudding)

8. The baby's food

9.Non food (animal Food, fish food, the paint, the ceramics, textile, paper) 10.The pharmacy and koxsmetik (Toothpaste, shampoo, tablet medicine, the material printed teeth, ointment medicine)

Summarised from:www.


Seaweed was it was known rich in essential nutrition, like the enzyme, the nucleic acid, the amino acid, the mineral, trace elements, and vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. the content of his nutrient that was high, seaweed could increase the work system hormonal, limfatik, but also nerves.

Moreover, seaweed could also increase the function of the defence of the body, improved the work system of the heart and the circulation of blood, as well as the digestion system.

Seaweed was known also as traditional medicine for the cough, asthma, bronkhitis, the TB, cacingan, had a stomach-ache, the fever, rheumatism, in fact was believed could increase the sexual power.

The content of his iodine was needed the body to prevent mumps.

In China, normal also seaweed was used for cancer medical treatment.

The height of the level of consumption of seaweed possibly was connected with the low level of the incident of breasts cancer to the woman in this country.

Possibly that was caused by the content of seaweed chlorophyll that was antikarsinogenik.

Moreover, because of the content of vitamin C and antioksidan him that could oppose the free radical, seaweed was useful to extend the age and prevent the occurrence of early ageing.

All rumut sea was rich in the content of fibre that could prevent large intestine cancer.

Fibre Could launch the digestion by forming the substance like gelatin in the small intestine and increasing the level of water in fases.

Consumption of fibre could help fat metabolism so as lowered the level of kolestrol blood and blood sugar.

Seaweed also helped medical treatment tukak the side, big enteritis, was difficult to defecate, and the disturbance of the other digestion.

Summarised from:www.

The potential area for seaweed

The benefit of seaweed was based on the research was recorded by 22 kinds was made use of as food.
Diwilayah South Sulawesi waters, South-East Sulawesi, Pulau Ceram, Bali, Lombok, Kepulauan Riau and the Seribu Island were known by 18 kinds was made as food and 56 kinds as food and traditional medicine use of by the coastal community.
From results of the study was recorded by as many as 61 kinds from 27 seaweeds in the Riau Island, Pantai Lampung, Pulau Java, Madura, Bali, NTB, NTT, South Sulawesi, South-East Sulawesi and several have in the Moluccan Island been used to be made food.
This number was dominated by 38 kinds from 17 red gaps, 15 kinds from 5 green algaes and 8 kinds from 5 chocolate gaps.
From 21 kinds was made use of as medicine.
Indonesia was known by the healthy country and was rich in nature resources.
As the country widely the sea territory more than 70 %, one of the nature wealth that could be made use of by us was the biological source.
Apart from the fish, the alternative produced by sea that could be processed was seaweed.
Seaweed including in the algae member (plants had chlorophyll or chlorophyll).
Plants that lived diperairan shallow and clung to coral that died this was divided in 4 big classes, that is Rhodophyceae (red algae), Phaeophyceae (chocolate algae), Chlorophyceae (green algae), and Cyanophyceae (blue algae green).
Seaweed was often used as the industrial raw material.
For example that is chocolate algae, that were used for the ice-cream raw material, the processing of textile, the pharmacy factory, shoe polish, and the paint factory.
Red algae for the raw material, the pharmacy, skin tanning, and the production of beer of the food industry.

Moreover, seaweed could be also used as the material for crop fertiliser, the mixture of livestock food, but also the cosmetic raw material.
Summarised from:www.


The growth and the spreading of seaweed really depended on oceanographic factors (physics, chemistry and the movement or the dynamics of sea) as well as his kind of the basic substrate.

For his growth, seaweed took nutrition from around it in a manner diffusion went through the wall thallus him.

Like generally to other kind algae, Glacilaria morphology of kind seaweed was mentioned thallus (ordinary: thalli), that is not having the real difference between the root, the stick and his leaves.

His proliferation was carried out with 2 methods that is in a manner was married between the male gamete and the female gamete (generative) as well as was not married through vegetatif, konjugatif and the spreading of spores that were gotten to the pocket of spores (carporspora, cystocarp).

Was based on the content of his pigment, seaweed was grouped to 4 classes (othmer, 1986; Anomin, 1977) that is: Rhodophyceae (the red gap), Phaeophyceae (the chocolate gap), Chlorophyceae (the green algae), Cyanophyceae (the blue gap green).

Several grass kinds that had been worth economics since long ago have been traded in that is Eucheuma sp., Hynea sp., Gracillaria sp., and Gelidium sp., from the Rhodophyceae class as well as Sargassum sp., from the Phaeophyceae class.

Summarised from:www.

Indonesian oil was united: from Sea Water?

Oil Indonesian Bersatu, so the name that was given by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's president for synthetic oil results of scientists's Indonesian research.

Oil Indonesian Bersatu more frugal 15 percent of the normal petrol.

The level of his emission only a tenth of the fuel uptil now.

For the production cost was also far more frugal, that is a fifth of built the normal oil refinery.

When being tested, the President make use of sat behind the smoke of the bus muffler use as fuel blue energy.

The smoke kendaraa him evidently did not smell and make the pain eyes.

Love the news that emerged in television and newspapers were rather criss-cross and mixed up terms so as to give the wrong impression.

As if sea water could be changed into oil.

Moreover had the comment that asked about what could the river water also was oil?

Blue energy was the term for all the energy kinds that could be renewed, apart from Oil Indonesian Bersatu, blue energy also included hydropower, energy put on sea, wind energy et cetera.

In fact Oil Indonesian Bersatu in a manner the concept not the new matter.

His principle was the utilisation of algae (microscopic seaweed) to produce vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil from these algae that afterwards were modified in order to become synthetic oil that like the petrol, diesel fuel, or aircraft fuel.

Information was more far concerning produced oil from algae could be received here:

The telescope Business-Economics Palopo 2008

Was written by: Daeng Mangawara

In 2007 according to the writer was the year that was stimulating for the climate of the economy in Palopo.

Why not, had many perusahan-perusahan was on a national scale, in fact international that The expansion

in Palopo.

Is there next year, the atmosphere of Palopo economics had the same vitality (or even better) from this 2007?

Quoted this newspaper per December 14 2007, the growth of the Palopo economy 2007 it was predicted grew 8%.

This the writer thought very good.

There was the rise 0,51% compared to 2006 that penetrated 7.49%.

More superior compared to South Sulawesi that only 6.53%.

This certainly with the concept of the intensification and the latest agricultural method, that lately were very fast The development

.Intensifikasi this, also will be followed also in sector fisheries and marine.

Disperiklak has in recent times begun to show the achievement that was more oriented in increase efforts in the production.

By him that, results more will appear next year.

Seaweed that became the mainstay will increasingly have an interest taken in him the market.

The other business that will enter the big profit in 2008 in a book was the printing house.

This real sector will get the current from noisy him succession/Pilwalkot 2008.

Will have many order the clothes edition, the sticker, banner, the pin, the billboard and property the other campaign.

Not only from Palopo the writer thought, order also will flow from Belopa, that also next year will carry out Pilbup.

However, in a manner indirectly also, Pilwalkot also would Influenced

the climate of the Palopo economy.

Investment will generally be good, but was not so significant, resulting from sentiment negative Pilwalkot.

This Pilwalkot sentiment can be matched well the KPTSP achievement (the Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu Office) and the existence of government good will of the city and muspida, to maintain the assurance of the law.

However also, that must be paid attention to was the growth of too high economics, also had the potential to inflation happen.

In the technological field, the sale of the mobile phone will continue to shine.

Planning several cellular operators for the expansion 3G in Sulawesi in 2008, will boost up the sale of the cellular phone, especially that have the ability 3G in Palopo.

His descendants, the pulse retailer who grew and was widespread in this city, again eksis next year.

Nevertheless, these retailers must more increase his achievement to more well-off survive in the middle of the number of competitors.

One of them certainly by carrying out service differentiation, packaging outlet, the additional product or even in the matter pricing.

The character of the consumer Palopo (especially the adolescent) that not want to gaptek (gagap technology), again will push the sale of the technological product like MP3, MP4 and laptop.

The last product it was mentioned above, in fact will be more significant than this year.

His indication was that professional in Palopo, the amount even more resulting from the entry of national scale companies (especially banking and finance).

Besides this, the demand of the work from several civil servants to computer, will become factor following.

In 2007, we ought to be proud, KFC invested in Palopo.

However in 2008, learned from KFC, Dobby Burger and the business franchise other that tended stagnant, then diprediksikan the business waralaba will not be too significant his growth.

The Palopo community apparently too much was not ready with the price of the premium that was applied waralaba-waralaba above.

Increased with the silhouette of FUEL OIL of the price uncertainty 2008, then once more, the business franchise apparently was not as incessant this year.

Factory outlet like Orgy and distro-distro, next year the writer thought will experience the period that too much did not shine.

This year, several distro was closed.

The target market that

Defined the adolescent, still was too narrow his market.

This because of the adolescent Palopo was not yet ready with self the budget.

The adult's purchasing power (including parents of the adolescent) will be pointed with the rise dilemma of BBM. Jika indeed FUEL OIL rose, the sale of the motorcycle clearly also will be influential.

Nevertheless, diprediksikan, motik (the motor otomatik) will experience the increase 20-30% his sale nationally (possibly Palopo also including inside).

In the field of the edication business, seminars would more.

The influence of certification of the teacher, will push the number of implementations of the seminar.

If indeed Sahrul Yasin Limpo will become the governor (and Bring about he romiseed in 2008), the community will be more powerful bought in the matter of education.

However free education must diformulasi thoroughly.

Moreover, in the educational field, tren the student the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL and the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL now in Palopo is the internet.

By him that, the opportunity for the growth of the internet kiosk in 2008 will be increasingly big.

Visited two warnet in Palopo (MPS and Al Ilmi) daily was filled by his consumer.

Moreover many that were willing ngantri for hours.

Ritel in Palopo also will continue to grow like 2007.

This was caused because of the community indeed still needed, in fact will stay shopping.

With the character of our community that was instant, the prestige and tended consumptive, the business ritel will be the same his atmosphere with this year.

Nevertheless, not meant PNP and the traditional market will be left.

The execution of the program corporate social responsibility in Palopo also apparently had a big opportunity in 2008.

Must well-off human resources that were creative to pick up this fortune ball, especially the Municipal Government.

PLTA Bambalu, widely will push the Palopo economy the western part.

By him that, the business passion and the Palopo economy 2008 was still becoming sweet peppermints that will be surrounded by the investor's ants or business.

The Pilwakot sentiment 2008, must have his influence.

Necessary caution, but not in the scale of the panic.

By him that, with this optimism, the writer was, sure 2008 will be better against 2007.

When PNS

Misbakhun was the other PNS example that was successful changed the course to entrepreneur.

He left the profession as tax apparatus that often became the target of PNS. Padahal, he then worked teenage with the moderate high position . the wife and the determination to entrepreneur. was his capital when leaving PNS, as well as the determination after going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Before leaving the PNS position, he also prepared provisions beforehand in the company famaly.And then four years wrestled with seaweed and quite successful, Misbakhun was still having the dream.

He did not only want to boost up the production to 600 ton in 2009, but also wanted to overcome his 20 competitors, to the producer of flour so that-so that the number of one in Indonesia.

rom Pasuruan Taklukkan Europe Muhammad Misbakhun, Pembuat of Flour Agar-so that for some people, the profession of tax apparatus became the hunting site.

Moreover not a little that regarded him as the wet land.

The field most was easy to assemble the income.

Moreover if teenage worked with the moderate high position . Muhammad Misbakhun chose the other road.

He precisely hengkang from the tax office after 15 years bailed out the work experience there.

The big decision was in his life determined back performed religious duties the pilgrim from Mekkah in 2004.

The location of his efforts measuring 1,2 hectare in the East Java corner, to be precise in the Bakalan Village, Kecamatan Purwosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan.

A year went, the company did not yet have a commercial yield, only 7-9 ton per the month or 56 ton flour so that-so that for the length of 2004.

The management was still simple.

They were still busy sounding out the market and surveying the consumer's appetite.

His target then still the local market around Pasuruan.

However, after Misbakhun entered, the achievement of the company began moncer.

The hands of the coldness made the business that rarely was involved in by this person developing fast to the end he was believed by the Mandiri Bank.

The ASML product was known as food stabilizer for chocolate, the ice-cream, yoghurt, jam, mayonnaise, sauce, soy sauce, and the pizza.

As for in the domestic market, he sold the pudding raw material so that-so that that with the make AgarKita.

To attract the consumer, he made in four colours (white, green, red, and chocolate) as well as four feelings (strawberries, melon, the lychee, and the wine).

Brebes centres of the seaweed cultivation

The Brebes regency was the area that had the area of the fishpond was expanded in Central Java that is measuring 9.970,5 hectare, with the number of fishpond farmers (petambak) totalling 4,042 people.

The product that is cultivated generally was the milkfish and prawns.

Iskandar explained, Brebes currently becomes centres of the seaweed cultivation in the Javanese Island.

Was based on results of the survey and the mapping that were carried out by the Perikanan Service and Marine, the area of the area of the fishpond that was potential for the seaweed cultivation reached 2.500 hectare.

Now the fishpond land that has been made use of petambak for the new seaweed cultivation measuring 117 hectare, that was spread from the Brebes Subdistrict to Losari.

Sent to Malang

Salah Seorang the farmer at the same time pe-ngepul seaweed, Amen Yulianto said petambak in Randusanga Kulon that was bundled into the Tani Rukun Sejahtera Group has cleared the seaweed cultivation since the last four years.

The number of productions of seaweed now just reached 30 ton/the month.

In fact, the requirement for the industry as the raw material so that-so that, peppermints and cosmetics reached 500 ton/the month.

So, he dared to accommodate seaweed from the other area like Bekasi, West Java.

Amen said for the area measuring one hectare the fishpond only needed urea fertiliser totalling 20 kg.

To pe-nyebaran the first seed, just could dipanen first when the crop has been four months old.

Further, could dipanen each two months very much with the period during four years.


The development of the development depot of the seaweed will be developed in 6 areas in Indonesia during 2008, where NTB received the allocation in 2 regencies namely Dompu and Lombok Timur that his budget originated in APBN. Kabag Humas Setdakab Lotim, H. Ridatul Yasa, explained the aim of the development of the development depot of this seaweed was the government program in order to empower the available community in the area of the coast to increase populist economics, including inside to increase efforts to promote the productivity of seaweed that was supported with the increase in the clear marketing.

Promote Potensi for Konsel Sea, DKP Gandeng AJI

Kendari, Greenpress - results of the Konawe Selatan wealth of Regency sea (Konsel) overflowed ruah and his quality was high enough.

However like that, not yet many outsiders who knew him so as to cause the level of his marketing to still could not reach the national market and international.

As a result although overflowing did not yet give results that were satisfactory for revenue of the regional treasury.

Officially Kelautan and fisheries (DKP) the Konsel Regency established the co-operation with the Alliance of the Independen Journalist (the CHARM) the Kendari City, to look for the best solution in developing the potential for sea that was owned by him.

One of the forms of his co-operation was the utilisation of the media as the forum for the exact promotion.

Where the media could be accessed by all the community so as therefore the potential that was owned could be known by public.

The DKP Kabupaten Konsel head, Andi Aria in workshop that was spread out, last Monday said the potential for sea that had the power sold was seaweed, prawns, the fish, rajungan as well as other resources that still were hidden.

However, pontensi biggest that currently is developed by the community was seaweed.

But the problem that was dealt with was the marketing that still could not reach the national market and the world.

"Our sea territory of enough areas that is approximately 232 thousand hectare and that just was exploited approximately some then."

The potential that was owned by us that could be made the mainstay was the seaweed cultivation.

At this time has been re-educateed by us around one thousand more the group of the seaweed farmer.

Revenue of the regional treasury was still being very small because of not yet having the marketing, he explained as being launched Kendari Ekspress.

Said, his side will also look for the other model to increase economical seaweed namely the processing of seaweed became the finished product and this also while being tested.

One of the results of the whim that could be marketed was manisan that was made from seaweed, dodol, cendol and Eat light other that was packed and made sbagai typical food the Konsel regency.

"We have had typical food namely results" of the "whim of seaweed but once more this not yet tersosialisasikan."

By him that we were very grateful could establish the co-operation with the CHARM in the matter to mmbantu look for the solution to the marketing, he added.

To increase the original income of the area (PAD) from the DKP sector, Andi Aria provided the fund to help pembudidaya seaweed.

To dilute him the farmer must before introduce the proposal et cetera was carried out by the survey and when it was considered could just was helped and carried out by assistance.

"We had the budget to help the seaweed farmers but really must have efforts dibidang this," said Andi Aria.

In the meantime, Yuni Asri as the Secretary of the CHARM of Kota Kendari said, the CHARM will support DKP in the matter of the promotion of the marketing that was owned by DKP as well as will help mensosialisasikan results of the seaweed whim that was developed.

"In order to be known what was produced by us then must make use of sources that could bring our potential was known by public, one of them could make use of the media for the place" of the "promotion," he explained.

(Kendari Express).

Treated Dry Skin

Dry and dull skin, often made the woman did not believe himself.

However should not be broken the spirit previously, for you who had the skin kind like this, because still could be improved with the maintenance of the routine in the house.

Firstly, used the beauty product of face skin that contained the rose formula.

Because, the main point of this rose was suitable to be used for them who had normal skin tended to dry.

For the maintenance in the morning, used roses moisturiser, and tonight by using night cream.

As his cleaner, used also the cleaner as well as roses freshener.

However the simple maintenance was not enough.

Very much a week, did scrub for dry skin.

Scrub functioned to meluruhkan the numb cell.

This process could be continued with did facial to face skin.

Minimal, facial was carried out very much a month.

Apart from lifting numb cells, facial also was striven for lifted komedo that disrupted the appearance and your beauty, moreover komedo that menumpuk.

Bio Classic Facial, with the seaweed formula could be done.

In spite of that by using technology mikrodermabrasi that was useful to overcome dull skin, promote the network of the numb cell, as well as brighten face skin.

For his powder, used the powder powder finishing take the form of compact that was light from the series that contained high moisturiser, so that skin stays humid.

Fail The Total, the Project of the Seaweed cultivation in Rumberpon

Manokwari, Proyek Budidaya Rumput Laut in the Yembi Kiri Village, Distrik Rumberpon-Teluk Wondama failed the total.

The community reported, the prospective seaweed that was imported from Takalar South Sulawesi since February 12 2006 that died, so as to cause a loss to the country tens in fact hundreds of millions rupiah.

Markus, one of the residents Yembe Kiri to Manokwari Pos, on Monday (20/2) stated, this seaweed project was initially cultivated and handed over to the local community.

However did not yet go, the activity keburu failed, seaweed died because of the shortage of the co-ordination with the local community.

The community was suddenly gathered by the activity manager and was guided to form groups, but be not yet implemented seaweed has died.

Seaweed died all.

They (the project manager) did not coordinate with the community.

The community did not know what must be done, he accused.

In the meantime the Head of the Rumberpon District, Hendrik Tetelepta S Sos that was contacted this Newspaper yesterday straightened him the existence of the activity or the project of the seaweed cultivation in the territory.

He claimed has seen personally and got the report on the community that seaweed that was imported from outside Papua died the alias failed.

Indeed, that was available, I has seen personally and got the report on the community.

However, I myself did not yet know, how the form of the empowerment co-operation of the seaweed, he accused.

As the head of the local territory, Kadistrik claimed to be himself did not know clearly the procurement activity of sickening grass to be cultivated this.

His side had not been reported that there is the project activity, but suddenly emerging the report, there was seaweed that was imported from Takalar died.

Suddenly was loporan, seaweed died.

It should be that was coordinated by them with local government apparatus, not anything but because this was linked with the community, he accused.

The community since the beginning had not been informed, knew-knew was gathered and told by the form of the fisherman's group, without being explained by the intention and tujuan.Karen confused and did not yet know what must be done, then seaweed that has been imported from very far by the fund seldom was not late his handling, so as to die before being cultivated.

Diskanlut strove for the Development of efforts

Kuta - In Order To maximise the utilisation of the cultivation of the fish, Directorate General Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan and fisheries with the motto 'Urge' (the Bersama Rakyat Movement) and the 'Snarl' (the Serentak Movement) proclaimed the development program of cultivation efforts of the supreme community.

Including being seaweed that will be allocated in the Balinese province.

So, one of the efforts that was carried out by striving for the loan of the strengthening of capital of efforts for pembudidaya seaweed went through PT. Permodalan Nasional Madami (PNM) that his channelling was carried out by the Bank of Pembangunan Bali (BPD) Bali.

For this of the Badung Regency received the allocation totalling 200 heads of households with the loan size per heads of households (Keapla Keluarga) Rp.

5,000,000.- with the flower 14 % per the year and in a period of for 36 months (3 years).

Was like this was said Section Head Perikanan and Marine Kabupaten Badung Putu Oka Swadiana, A.Pi., S.Sos.

"So on the whole, the loan" of the "strengthening" of "capital in 2006 for the seaweed farmer in the Badung Regency was of Rp 1 billion," said Oka Swadiana, in connection with that, his plan on March 13 2006 the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister will with Bank Indonesia Governor carry out the working visit to the Balinese Province in the surrender rank of the loan of the strengthening of capital from BPD Bali to the seaweed farmer in the Badung Regency totalling 200 heads of households and Karangasem totalling 500 of KK.

Pada on February 28 and on March 2 2006 the Perikanan Service and Marine Kabupaten Badung carried out the socialisation to their respective seaweed farmer in the Pecatu Village and Kutuh Kecamatan Kuta Selatan.

In the socialisation appearance was present Section Head Perikanan and Marine the Regency of BadungPutu Oka Swadiana togethered with the staff as well as the Head of the Branch of BPD Kuta Ms Suryaningsih as well as the staff.

In this opportunity of the socialisation opportunity of Suryaningsih delivered, because collectively the number of loans reached the Rp mulberry 1 billion.

Then in accordance with the technical provisions of current banking was needed by the existence of the additional guarantee for example to take the form of the certificate, the loan was imposed the administrative cost 1.5 percent.

The existence of this additional guarantee caused the objection of the farmers because they were not prepared to be wrong the member who had the certificate was used by the guarantee by many people.

Because seaweed harvest time around 45 days very much, was proposed so that the payment instalment in order to be able to be carried out 2 months very much.

Answered the farmer's question, Kadiskanlut Badung and the Head of BPD Cabang Kuta will follow up in Nota Pelayanan Pengembangan (UPP) and PT Kapal Api Group (Perusahan the Core), so as all the interests between several sides terakomodasi inside.

"For the stabilisation" of "this proclamation urged this, we will continue to hold the meeting and the co-ordination that were intensive with the side and the agency related" added Oka Swadiana.

Move to the Commotion, Also was threatened with being dragged

By alit kumara

Two years already the crisis of the farmer of Atmosphere seaweed with the expired investor.

Needed long time until the farmer's 261 heads of households the prepared Atmosphere moved to the new location, with Rp cash compensation 250 million plus a truck vehicle was prepared by the investor.

How their condition now?

The Sawangan COAST of the Adat Peminge Village, Nusa Dua, his condition far changed.

The fence of the iron and the wall of the concrete surrounded the coast that previously became the source of the life of the seaweed farmer, who bundled himself into the Arta Segara Murti Group.

The investor's promise immediately built the hotel evidently only inventions completely -- available only lots that were restricted the wall.

Possibly because of being urged by the requirement for the stomach, around 20 farmers summoned up courage back to the Atmosphere.

How the colleague's other fate?

After being dragged, some farmers moved to the Gunung Payung Coast and the rest to the Geger Coast.

That to the Payung Mountain still could be sighing in relief, but that to the Commotion must be anxious because of being threatened with being dragged.

Two farmers, Nyoman Kumpul and the Cashier of Commotion seaweed, said, was kept being waiting for time to pick up foot from the Geger Coast.


Told Gather, five years set the farmer accepted compensation from the investor.

Gathered, Kasir and the other farmer of Commotion seaweed did not know must move where.

But compensation telanjur was accepted.

Now to remain was not possible.